UNECE “background note” providing information on developments in air pollution, the results of recent studies on the harmful effects of diesel exhausts, policy developments in the reduction of pollutant emissions to address health and environmental concerns.
78. The secretariat introduced GRPE-66-09-Rev.1, a revised draft paper looking at diesel vehicles and engines in the context of air quality, impacts of the emission of pollutants on the environment and health. The secretariat explained that the paper, based on GRPE-65-05, incorporates the comments received by the end of March 2013, as agreed during the GRPE session of January 2013. In particular, it includes an update of information related with WP.29 activities, a reorganization of the contents to improve the presentation of the policy discussion, an extension of the geographical scope to include information on North America and Japan, and the inclusion of conclusions and recommendations.
79. Canada, the Russian Federation and OICA welcomed the improvements in the document. A number of comments were addressed to the secretariat by these delegations and Euromot. They concerned the importance of fuel quality as enabler of cleaner vehicle technologies, the opportunity to consider particulate emissions from tyres, the need to update the information on the PMP activities – taking into account the updated scope of the PMP group, the correction of specific statements, as well as other issues addressing the WHO decisions. Having reiterated the need to restrict the paper to technical matters without questioning the WHO conclusions, the secretariat welcomed the comments and invited interested stakeholders to provide constructive contributions in a written form within a week, in order to have the time to include them in an updated version of the document for consideration by WP.29 in its June 2013 session. The GRPE Chair underlined the need to make sure that the comments provide constructive contributions to improve the paper. The expert from Germany supported the inclusion of a recommendation concerning cleaner fuels as enablers of technologies allowing the emission mitigation.
80. GRPE supported the document. Taking into account of the tight schedule needed for the consideration of the document in the UN framework, GRPE agreed that the secretariat should submit an updated version of the document to WP.29 for consideration at its next session (June 2013), taking into account the comments that will be received.