33. The expert from France introduced the status report of the IWG (GRSP-53-25). He confirmed the intention of the group to submit a draft proposal of amendments to the UN Regulation for the May 2014 session of GRSP. He added that due to the lack of supplementary tests to validate reproducibility and repeatability of the test with the full-width deformable barrier (FWDB), the group had decided to finalize the proposal with the use of the full-width rigid barrier (FWRB) for the first phase of amendments. He explained that the proposal would introduce an additional crash test with one hundred per cent of overlap of the tested vehicle with a FWRB, by using as assessment tools a fifty percentile male dummy (hybrid III) on the driver seat and a fifth percentile dummy on the front passenger seat. He added that this configuration of testing focused on elderly occupants’ injury risk curves. He concluded that pending issues would still be addressed by the IWG:
(a) The definition of dummies and parts;
(b) The choice of the worst case of test vehicle configuration;
(c) Repetition of structural assessments (i.e. fuel leakage) in both configuration of testing (FWDB and offset deformable barrier (ODB));
(d) Preparation of a complementary proposal of amendments to UN Regulation No. 42 (Front and rear protection devices) to address geometric assessment;
(e) Transitional provisions.