Mr. Kinsky presented document GTR9-6-03. He concluded that an instable free flight is expected to influence the final test results. Such an instable flight can be noted by recorded values in the time history curves during this free-flight phase. Industry therefore sees a need to also specify the free flight of the FlexPLI before it hits the object (during certification or during a vehicle test) and proposes the measurement values to be in a specific corridor. This corridor should cover the last 30 ms before the impact and in this corridor the values for bending moment and ligament elongation should not exceed 5 % of the impactor threshold. Also, OICA proposed that the measurement curves should not be shifted to zero at t = 0.
Mr. Martin asked where in fact t = 0 is fixed and whether this has an influence on the two proposals. Mr. Zander and Mr. Kinsky responded both that this is not seen since in fact the t = 0 does not really have a meaning here: It does not influence the test results and the corridor for the free flight just needs to include half of one wave length for the assessment.
After some discussion it was agreed to study the two proposals and to come back to this during the next meeting.