37. The expert from the Netherlands on behalf of IWG on Field of Vision Assistant (FVA) of Drivers, introduced the IWG status report (GRSG-126-33). He explained that IWG had finalized the work within the mandate and developed a new UN Regulation on FVA (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2024/27 and amendment GRSG-127-20-Rev.3), which applied to all vehicle categories M and N, and replaced the specific requirements introduced on FVA in UN Regulation No. 125, 02 series of Amendments for M1 and N1 vehicles. He therefore introduced a proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2024/23 and amendment GRSG-127-22-Rev.1) to amend the UN Regulation accordingly. He also added that this last proposal was needed as per paragraphs 10, 12, 13, 17 and 19 and 22. He added that a second phase of IWG was not foreseen at this stage, (for other categories of vehicles, e.g. L category), because experience was first needed on the conventional category of vehicles. Finally, GRSG adopted the proposals and requested the secretariat to submit them for consideration and vote at the November 2024 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as draft:
22. The expert from the Netherlands on behalf of IWG on Field of Vision Assistant (FVA) of Drivers, introduced the IWG status report (GRSG-126-22). He explained that the IWG work came from two meetings and workshops. He informed GRSG that human-machine interface experts shared the concerns of contracting parties (CPs) about distraction. He finally announced that plans were for another IWG meeting before submission of an official proposal to the April 2024 session of GRSG. GRSG agreed to resume discussion at its next session based on a possible proposal submitted by IWG.
25. The expert from the Netherlands on behalf of IWG on Field of Vision Assistant (FVA) of Drivers, introduced the IWG status report (GRSG-125-27-Rev.1) and requested an extension of the IWG mandate. He also introduced a draft new UN Regulation on FVA (GRSG-125-28) for all vehicle categories in the frame of the process of splitting UN Regulation No. 125 into two separate UN Regulations. He also explained that the new UN Regulation would aim to limit distraction of the driver. The experts from Finland, France, Germany and Sweden endorsed the cautious approach on “non-driving related information”.
26. GRSG recommended that the opinion of experts and relevant inputs concerning GRSG-125-28 be submitted to the next IWG meetings planned for 25 April and 6 June 2023 (the June meeting is to be held in person). Finally, GRSG agreed on an extension of the IWG mandate until April 2024, pending endorsement of WP.29 at its June 2023 session.
GRSG-126-22 | |
GRSG-125-28 | |
IWG-FVA-17-03 | |
GRSG-127-20/Rev.3 | |
IWG-FVA-18-04 | |
WP.29/2024/155 |