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UN R14: Proposal for the 10 series of amendments
Document GRSP/2023/27
21 September 2023

Proposal to enhance the safety of the belted passenger seated behind a seat by removing the two of the derogations for two-point belts in buses and coaches laid down in paragraphs 5.3.5. to

Submitted by Finland
Status: Formal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. | UN Regulation No. 14 (Anchorages of safety-belts)

11. The expert from Finland introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2023/27 to propose a new series of amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 14 that removes the derogations for the two-point safety belts. The expert from France and Italy requested more information and supporting evidence. While the experts from Norway and Sweden supported the proposal, the expert from the United Kingdom requested further statistical data to support the proposal. The expert from Australia stated that he would like to provide further data to clarify the way forward in view of was insufficiently support for the proposal. On the suggestion of the GRSP Chair, the Group agreed to resume discussion at its May 2024 session based on further statistical data and a cost-benefit analysis, and then to conclude on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2023/27.

5. | UN Regulation No. 14 (Anchorages of safety-belts)

10. The expert from Finland introduced GRSP-73-06 to propose a new series of amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 14 and 16 that remove the derogations for the two-point safety belts (GRSP-70-05). He recalled to GRSP that GRSP-70-07, introduced at the seventieth session of GRSP, showed evidence of an insufficient level of safety with two-point belts. He concluded that equipping buses with three-point safety belts was a cost-effective way to increase safety for passengers. The expert from the Netherlands in principle supported the proposal and asked a time reservation. The expert from Italy also requested time reservation. The expert from the United Kingdom informed GRSP of a low number of bus crash casualties in his country. The expert from OICA recalled GRSP-70-06 and GRSP-70-07 that were introduced by the expert from Finland at the seventieth session of GRSP, and requested clearer evidence of the benefit of three-point safety-belts, including for other countries. The expert from Germany also stated a low number of bus casualties in his country; GRSP noted that he would provide further statistics at its December session. The expert from Japan also informed of a low number of bus casualties and noted there was no evidence that three-point belts would be beneficial. GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its December 2023 session based on a revised proposal and requested its experts to provide further statistical data. GRSP noted that if a new replacement proposal was not received by the secretariat, GRSP-73-06 should be confirmed for submission as an official document.

5. | UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts)

15. GRSP resumed discussion on the mandatory fitting of 3-point safety-belts on buses and coaches. The expert from Finland introduced a presentation (GRSP-71-07) justifying the introduction of 3-point safety-belts on buses and proposing an official document for the December 2022 session of GRSP to remove the lap belt derogations from the UN Regulations Nos. 14 (Safety-belt anchorages) and 16. He clarified that his intention was not to amend UN Regulation No. 80 but to amend UN Regulations Nos. 14 and 16. The expert from OICA underlined that it was relevant to investigate what the driver should do in situations when a passenger was not wearing a safety-belt. He suggested that the issue be addressed to the expert of the International Road Union on the consequences of driver’s operators. He also recalled to GRSP the cost benefit analysis introduced by the expert from Finland (GRSP-70-07) at the December 2021 session of GRSP. He argued that analysis was the result of a low number of vehicles and data, and he requested more data from accidents. The expert from United Kingdom proposed data from his country. GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its December 2022 session on the basis of a proposal tabled by the expert from Finland, concerning the mandatory fitment of 3-point safety-belts on buses and coaches. GRSP also agreed that the proposal would be supported with statistical data on accidents linked to this subject, provided by the contracting parties to show evidence of the safety issue addressed by the expert from Finland.

6. | UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts)

13. The expert from Finland introduced GRSP-70-06 and GRSP-70-07 justifying the introduction of three-points safety-belts on buses. The expert from the Netherlands supported the initiative. The expert from EC stated that he was open to consider the proposal but would like to see the initiative paired with safety belt reminders to ensure maximum benefit. The expert from Sweden supported the initiative from Finland. However, she asked for more about negative consequences, especially about occupant evacuation. The expert from OICA supported the need for accident data from other regions and review them carefully before drawing conclusions; he also noted that it would be useful to review the UN Regulation No. 80 requirements before deleting the possibility of two point-belts, which would have huge consequences. GRSP finally agreed to resume discussion on the proposal of the expert from Finland on the basis of broader data at its next sessions.

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