European Commission presentation on plans for adopting new noise emissions test procedures, limit values, and minimum noise requirements for quiet vehicles.
6. The expert from EC presented the new EC legislative proposal (GRB-55-16) on reducing noise emissions from motor vehicles. He suggested that to overcome the different national/regional political priorities on noise, the discussion on new limits should be focused on the mutual recognition principle, i.e. the vehicle having to comply with the lowest noise level would be accepted everywhere. He added that before taking a position on new limits for UN Regulation No. 51, the European Union (Commission, Parliament and member States) would have to agree internally on acceptable emission levels. He proposed to report, at each GRB session, on the progress made at EU level and invited other Contracting Parties to do the same for the discussion they were carrying internally on implementing UN Regulation No. 51 with new noise limits. GRB assumed that the EC proposal was incorporating the consolidated version of UN Regulation No. 51 at its latest stage of amendments. However, the expert from OICA underlined that some differences between UN Regulation No. 51 and the EC proposal were noted. Since the nature of these differences were not clear, GRB experts expressed the wish to verify if these changes were editorial or substantial. Finally, GRB agreed to resume discussion on this matter at its September 2012 session and noted that the EC proposal was available on the DG Enterprise/Automotive website.