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Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 63
Document GRB-55-03
31 January 2012

This revised proposal of UN R63 from the IMMA contains the assimilation of the original regulations and their amendments and updates to take into consideration the revision of the test methods in UN R41.

Submitted by IMMA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. (b) | Regulation Nos. 9 and 63

17. The expert from EC presented GRB-55-15 informing GRB about the proposal for a EU Regulation of market surveillance and approval of L-category vehicles adopted by EC on 4 October 2010 and currently scrutinized by the legislators (Council of Ministers and EU Parliament). Concerning sound requirements, GRB noted that EU was ready to start accession process to UN Regulation No. 41 for for L category. Furthermore, EU would apply UN Regulation Nos. 9 and 63 once they were aligned to UN Regulation No. 41.

18. Accordingly, the expert from IMMA introduced GRB-55-02 and GRB-55-03 amending respectively UN Regulation Nos. 9 and 63 proposing new requirements for improved noise control of motorcycles and anti-tampering measures (aligning to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 41). He added that provisions for hybrid and electric vehicles would be included in a second phase of revising the two UN Regulations. The expert from Italy supported the proposals.

19. GRB agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session in September 2012. For this purpose the expert from IMMA was invited to resubmit to the secretariat in due time GRB-55-02 and GRB-55-03 in the new format for documents that was mandatory since 1 July 2010 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1085, paras. 9 and 18). Moreover, the Chair invited the expert from EC to prepare a proposal introducing anti-tampering requirements into UN Regulation No. 92.

Relates to UN R41 | UN R63 |