Proposal to establish an expert group to develop amendments to UN R13 and R13-H that would permit the introduction of braking systems using electric control transmission and electric energy transmission.
104. The expert from CLEPA introduced draft ToR and Rules of Procedure (RoP) for a potential Special Interest Group (SIG) on EMB and BBW (GRVA-16-17), proposing one subgroup to address UN Regulation No. 13 and another subgroup to focus on UN Regulation No. 13-H. He offered to take on the role of the Secretary for that SIG.
105. The expert from UK presented alternative draft ToR, RoP and deliverables of a potential SIG on EMB (GRVA-16-27), aiming at a harmonized approach and understanding for UN Regulations Nos. 13 and 13-H. He proposed to establish one subgroup solely dedicated to principles around energy supply and another subgroup tackling the challenges the technology presents. The expert from UK volunteered to provide the Chair of SIG.
106. The experts from CLEPA and Japan supported the UK proposal. The expert from Japan suggested to remove the square brackets in paragraph 8.
107. The expert from China informed GRVA about his interest to participate in SIG on EMB, as it was an important topic for future technologies.
108. GRVA endorsed the draft ToR and RoP of SIG on EMB reproduced in Annex IV (based on GRVA-16-27 as amended during the session).