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French "Grand Défi program": Artificial Intelligence Assessment pillar
Document GRVA-15-39
23 January 2023
Submitted by France
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. | Artificial Intelligence in vehicles

7. The expert from FIA introduced GRVA-15-04 and expressed FIA’s views on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of vehicle regulations, based on GRVA-11-03, which includes a background note on AI in vehicles as well as a draft guideline on the use of AI in vehicles. He explained that the preparation of the document followed bilateral exchange with industry. He expressed views related to the role of the consumer or driver in that context, the necessary transparency at the time of Type Approval of systems embedding AI and what should be covered at GRVA regarding AI in vehicles.

8. The expert from OICA welcomed the exchange with FIA. He explained that OICA had further developed their document regarding definitions and a proposal for a future way forward. He volunteered to submit a revised document containing definitions on AI for consideration at the next session. He announced that he aimed to present OICA’s views at the May 2023 session of GRVA.

9. The expert from ITU recalled that ITU was the Information and Communication Technology agency of the United Nations and was coordinating a United Nations’ wide initiative called AI for good that includes, among others, the Focus Group on AI for Automated Driving. He explained that ITU stood ready to work with OICA on this matter.

10. The expert from Canada suggested that the collaboration on this item would continue at the sessions of the IWG on Cyber Security and Over the Air issues (CS/OTA), noting risk posed by cyber security vulnerabilities related to AI. The expert from OICA explained that the AI issue went beyond cyber security.

11. GRVA agreed that the cyber security risks related to AI shall be addressed by the IWG on CS/OTA.

12. The expert from IRU inquired if the work at GRVA only covered passenger cars and light vehicles. The expert from FIA explained that they did not distinguish between vehicle categories. GRVA recalled that UN Regulation No. 157 applied to heavy vehicles too.

13. The expert from France presented (GRVA-15-39) an update to GRVA-11-39 on the activities regarding AI in France. He detailed the activities under the “Grand Defi project” related to the performance evaluation and the use cases under scrutiny, i.e. vehicles with automation level 4 as well as delivery robots.

14. GRVA discussed the potential scope of activities at WP.29 on AI in the context of vehicle regulations. The expert from ITU suggested to focus on Automated Driving System (ADS) applications. GRVA discussed the potential groups that could deal with it, such as the IWG on CS/OTA and the IWG on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) under WP.29.

15. GRVA agreed to continue its work on AI in the context of vehicle regulations, according to the mandate received from WP.29 (GRVA-08-10), with the aim to inform AC.2 of the outcome in June 2023.

16. The expert from Germany suggested that GRVA could focus on preparing a resolution.

17. GRVA invited delegations to submit their documents on AI in advance so that delegations could prepare for a discussion in May 2023.

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