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Programme of Work of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and its Subsidiary Bodies
Document WP.29/2022/1/Rev.2
9 November 2022
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.2. Programme of work and documentation

14. The Secretary of WP.29 introduced the list of Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs (WP.29-188-01) and invited delegations to communicate any necessary changes. He introduced the draft calendar of meetings for 2023 (WP.29-188-02), scheduled as in person meetings only as hybrid meetings could only be organized with extra-budgetary funding, which is currently not available. He presented the revised PoW, reflecting the current activities of WP.29 and its subsidiary working groups. (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/1/Rev.2), as well as the draft PoW for 2023 (WP.29-188-05).

15. WP.29 urged the Member States to request that adequate budget be made available for the continuation of full interpretation services for hybrid meetings, to continue giving delegations from low- and middle-income countries the possibility to participate either in person or remotely in WP.29. The full continuation of hybrid meetings is consistent with the global push to reduce carbon emissions as evidenced by the Conference of Parties, COP 27 meeting currently being held in Egypt. Delegations are invited to communicate these elements to their capitals as well as missions to the UN in Geneva and New York.

16. WP.29 recalled that the 2022 PoW had been adopted at its March 2022 session and welcomed its update.

17. The delegate of the United States of America stated that the members of WP.29 strongly support the continued use of hybrid meetings for its delegates. Over the last two years allowing the option for virtual connection to executive and working group meetings has allowed for increased participation in light of travel limitations. Recently adding in the additional option for in-person participation maximizes the opportunity for participants to most effectively engage in a manner most efficient for them. Additionally, in light of the climate crisis there are significant Green House Gas (GHG) benefits from avoiding air travel. Given the United Nation’s positions on supporting members to do their work effectively and asking all countries to do more to reduce GHG emissions, WP.29 asks that ECE prioritize resources to support the technology needed to continue full hybrid meetings. WP.29 would also support member countries raising this issue within their respective delegations.