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UN R109: Proposal for amendments
Document GRBP/2023/10
25 November 2022

The prescription given in paragraph 3.5.2., which will be implemented through document WP.29/2022/7/Rev.1 adopted by WP.29, contradicts the previously existing prescription in paragraph 3.2.9. This proposal aims to resolve the contradiction by amending paragraph 3.5.2. to introduce a reference to the prescriptions given in paragraph 3.2.9.

Submitted by ETRTO
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
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18. The expert from ETRTO introduced corrections (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2023/10 and GRBP-77-22). GRBP adopted the corrections, as laid down in GRBP-77-22, and requested the secretariat to submit them for consideration and vote at the June 2023 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as part of draft Supplement 12 to UN Regulation No. 109.

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