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Proposal for Vehicle Cyber Security
Document GRVA-13-31
20 May 2022
Submitted by China
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. (a) | Cyber security and data protection

48. The expert from China introduced GRVA-13-31, explaining the activities performed in China regarding the elaboration of a national standard on the basis of UN Regulation No.155, the difficulty related to the lack of pass/fail criteria in the Regulation and mentioning the difficulty for China to perform the peer review as prescribed in para. 5.3. to the regulation, in the absence of access to the Database for Exchange of Type Approval documentation (DETA).

49. The expert from the United States of America pointed out at ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/60 and suggested to develop that document further, if needed, to address China’s concern.

50. GRVA agreed to address China’s request and decided to organize, before the summer break, a technical workshop on the implementation of Cyber Security provisions under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements, on the model of those already organized for the implementation of UN Regulation No. 155. GRVA invited Japan and the Secretary to organize it as a virtual meeting in English only. GRVA hoped to receive a report on this workstream at the September 2022 session of GRVA.

Relates to DETA | UN R155 |