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Comments on subjects under discussion by GRBP
Document WP.29-184-17
23 June 2021
Submitted by EC
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2.2. Programme of work and documentation

23. The Secretary of WP.29 introduced the list of Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs (WP.29-185-01), the calendar of meetings of the World Forum for 2022 (WP.29-185-02) and presented the revised Programme of Work (PoW) with a strategic introduction on the main priorities of the WP.29 work, which are related to the implementation of the ITC strategy 2030 and among others, to vehicle automation and environmental protection. (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/1/Rev.2).

24. The representatives of the United States of America and Japan expressed concern with the dates and timing of the November 2022 session of the World Forum and requested that these dates be re-adjusted to enable their full participation at that session. The representative of Japan also expressed concern with the time of WP.29 and GRs sessions in 2022 and requested that timing is decided taking into account world-wide time zones so that most participants attending remotely can attend at suitable hours without extra burden. The Chair of GRVA expressed concerns about the non-confirmed session of GRVA in May 2022. He recalled the importance for GRVA to hold a third session in the year prior to the June 2022 session of WP.29.

25. The secretariat introduced informal document WP.29-185-06, which will form the basis for the 2022 Programme of Work of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations and its Subsidiary Bodies. WP.29 noted that the updated list of priorities for GRSP would be provided following the December 2021 session. WP.29 was informed on a scheduled ad-hoc session of AC.2 for final review before the adoption at the March 2022 session of WP.29.

26. The representative of the European Commission introduced informal document WP.29-185-17, proposing a list of priorities from the European Union covering safety and automated/connected vehicles as well as emissions.

27. WP.29 endorsed the revised programme of work as introduced in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/1/Rev.2.

2.2. Programme of work and documentation

27. The WP.29 Secretary introduced the list of Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs (WP.29-184-01), the revised calendar of meetings of the World Forum for 2021 (WP.29-182-02/Rev.3, Annex III), the draft calendar of meetings of the World Forum for 2022 (WP.29-184-02, Annex IV), and presented the revised Programme of Work (PoW) with a strategic introduction on the main priorities of the WP.29 work, which are related to the implementation of the ITC strategy 2030 and among others, to vehicle automation and environmental protection. (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/1/Rev.1).

28. The representatives of Japan and the United States of America requested to change the dates for the November 2022 session of WP.29 to a week earlier as the proposed dates would coincide with national holidays and thus their participation would not be possible. The secretariat, proposed to reflect these new dates in a revised version of the calendar of meetings of the World forum for 2022 (WP.29-184-2/Rev.1).

29. The representative of Germany, Chair of GRVA, recalled WP.29 that the GR had planned to hold three meetings during 2022 and was envisaging to organize two meetings held at venues outside of Geneva, one of which in Asia and the second in North America, to better reflect the global scope of activities within the World Forum. He explained that consultations were going on related to organizational and financing matters.

30. The Chair of WP.29 recalled the discussions on the PoW of the World Forum which took place its March 2021, reminding delegates that while it was provisionally endorsed at the time, additional consultations through WP.29 subsidiary Working Parties (GRs) were deemed necessary and CPs were invited to submit their comments on the document to the Secretariat (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1157, paras. 15-19). The consultations resulted in a revised PoW issued for consideration at the current session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/1/Rev.1).

31. The representative of the European Union introduced document WP.29-184-16 and WP.29-184-17, containing proposals for amendments to the PoW (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/1/Rev.1) by the European Commission. He also called on establishing a procedure for the development of annual PoWs that would ensure their finalization and endorsement prior to the year that they are addressing.

32. The representative of the United States of America expressed concern regarding delays in endorsement of the PoW for 2021. She stated that consultations on additional amendments to the document since the March 2021 session of WP.29 should have been held at GR level rather than through tabling of proposals for its amendment by CPs at the ongoing session of WP.29 and proposed its adoption as document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/1/Rev.1, without further amendments. In addition, she emphasised the PoW should reflect priorities in the development of activities within the scope of the 1998 Agreement on an equal footing as those addressing the further development of UN Regulations under the 1958 Agreement.

33. The representative of Canada supported the position expressed by the delegate from the United States of America.

34. The Representative of the European Union also called for a timelier adoption of the PoW, before the end of the current year for the upcoming year, and for putting in place a mechanism to ensure the realization of this principle moving forward. He recommended the consultations on the future PoW be started at the level of GRs well in advance (e.g., second half of 2021 for 2023 PoW) and on that basis the CPs would be in a position to submit their priorities on time (e.g. between January and March 2022 for 2023 PoW) for the adoption of PoW ahead of the upcoming year (November 2022 for 2023 PoW).

35. The Chair of WP.29 requested the secretariat to prepare a draft PoW with activities for 2022 and 2023, which is to be circulated to GRs meeting as of September 2021 in order for experts participating in the work of the GRs to be able to discuss and agree on activities for the 2022 PoW and initiate consideration of 2023 PoW activities. The input from the GRs, that would be meeting before the November 2021 sessions of AC.2 and WP.29, for the PoW for 2022 could then be consolidated by the secretariat and tabled for consideration of AC.2 and subsequently to WP.29 at their November 2021 sessions. WP.29 delegates supported the Chair’s motion based on the proposal by the European Union.

36. Upon consideration of the section of the PoW related to the activities of GRVA, delegates, after failing to agree on the priority areas of work between the regulatory files and soft law, decided to remove the column titled “Priorities”.

37. WP.29 also considered the section related to activities under GRBP based on the EU proposal and highlighted the need to ensure in tyre definitions consistency between UN Regulations and UN GTRs under 1958 and 1998 Agreements respectively.

38. The World Forum endorsed the PoW for 2021 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/1/Rev.1), as amended in session (WP.29-184-16/Rev.1 and WP.29-184-17/Rev.1), with the amended sections related to priorities of GRVA and GRBP, as reproduced in Annex VII of this report.

4.9.1. Proposal for Supplement 24 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 30 (Tyres for passenger cars and their trailers)
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