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PTI informal group: Report to WP.29 about results of the 21st, 22nd and 23rd meetings
Document WP.29-184-08
18 June 2021
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. | 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections)

109. The representative of the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the IWG on Periodical Technical Inspections (PTI) reported to WP.29 on the activities of the IWG at its twenty-first, twenty-second and twenty-third sessions, which took place in April, May and June 2021, in a virtual format (WP.29-184-08). He informed delegates that IWG on PTI had revised its terms of reference and submitted it for consideration by the World Forum. He stated that the IWG had completed the development and submitted for approval to WP.29 the framework document on vehicle whole-life compliance, which contained definitions, a safety and environmental vision, working principles, and a whole-life compliance principles based on a risk assessment approach. In addition, he introduced the work of the IWG concerning a draft proposal for amending UN Rule No. 1 and the WP.29 recommendation on application of Particulate Number (PN) measurement at PTI, as well as the work towards the development of the draft Guidance for road-side technical inspections and enforcement.

110. The representative of the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the IWG on PTI introduced the updated draft terms of reference of the IWG (WP.29-184-09). The World Forum endorsed the updated draft terms of reference, as amended in session (WP.29-184-09/Rev.1). He also introduced the draft Framework document on vehicle whole-life compliance (WP.29-184-10).

111. The representative of the Netherlands, Chair of GRPE, congratulated the IWG on PTI for the initiatives taken, and the forward-thinking activities introduced. He welcomed the approach of the IWG on PTI, and insisted both IWG on PTI and GRPE were already working closely together on the topic of lifetime compliance, especially looking at tampering and the links between the type approval and periodic technical inspection procedures. The Chair of WP.29 agreed a close collaboration was fully appropriate.

112. Upon detailed discussion pertaining to its contents, and further comments from representatives of the Russian Federation, CITA and OICA, WP.29 requested the draft Framework document on vehicle whole-life compliance as revised in session (WP.29-184-10/Rev.1) to be issued as an official document, circulated among all GRs for their comments and contributions and submitted for consideration at the November 2021 session of the World Forum.

113. The Chair of WP.29 invited the IWG on PTI to initiate activities in line with its newly endorsed terms of reference and invited the IWG to regularly report on its activities to the World Forum.

Relates to PTI Anti-Tampering | PTI: Roadside inspections | PTI: Whole Life Compliance | Rule No. 1 |