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IWG EVE : Status report
Document GRPE-83-29
3 June 2021
Status: Informal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
9. (b) Other activities of IWG on EVE

46. The Chair of IWG on EVE presented the status report introducing the latest activities of the group (GRPE-83-29). He detailed the latest activities with respect to in-vehicle battery durability as reflected in the latest draft of the UN GTR (see para ‎45).

47. The representative from OICA supported the extensive efforts done to finalize the draft UN GTR and agreed to leave some provisions still open (such Part A and B family definitions) even though some common agreements had been reached in recent meetings.

48. Given the importance and urgency to deliver on this new UN GTR, the Chair proposed GRPE to hold an additional GRPE session in the fall of 2021 so that the draft UN GTR could be considered and voted upon during the March 2022 session of WP.29. Following some interactions with the secretariat, the dates of 12 or 22 November 2021 afternoon were proposed.

49. The representatives from Canada, France, South Africa, Sweden, UK, USA and EC supported the proposal for an additional GRPE session and opted for the 12 November 2021.

50. The Chair of the IWG on EVE introduced draft updated terms of reference and rules of procedure for the IWG on EVE (GRPE-83-30) and announced GRPE a final version would be presented to GRPE at the additional November 2021 session.