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UN R154: Proposal for a new supplement to the original version and 01 series of amendments
Document GRPE-83-12
31 May 2021

This document aims to:
• harmonize the KCO2 family concept from UN GTR15 Amendment 6 with this Regulation.
• harmonize the correction of CO2 results against target speed in Level 1A with Level 1B and the most stringent
Level 2.
• delete correction criterion c as it is no longer needed.
• propose a clarification and specification in the ATCT family criteria.

Submitted by OICA
Status: Informal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (a) UN Regulations Nos. 68 , 83, 101, 103 and 154

11. The representative from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2021/12 as a proposal for amendment to UN Regulation No. 154. GRPE welcomed the proposal and agreed with the content of the proposal, following an edit during the session. The Chair proposed other related informal documents, also proposing amendments to UN Regulation No. 154, to be introduced to GRPE.

12. The representative of the European Commission (EC) introduced GRPE-83-07 and GRPE-83-08, and the representatives from OICA introduced GRPE-83-12, GRPE-83-13, GRPE-83-18 and GRPE-83-19 proposing amendments to the original and 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 154.

13. The Chair proposed to take all proposals to amend UN Regulation No. 154 together and proposed different options (GRPE-83-33) also considering the extra GRPE session in November 2021. GRPE agreed to have preparatory meetings with all interested parties and to attempt preparing working documents to be considered during the November 2021 session of GRPE.

Relates to UN R154 |