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UN R157: Amendments to document GRVA-10-26
Document GRVA-10-36
27 May 2021

Changes introduced per the GRVA deliberations on 26 May regarding extension of the scope of the regulation to include all M (passenger) and N (commercial) category vehicles.

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.10.8. | Proposal for Supplement 3 to UN Regulation No. 157 (ALKS)
4. (d) | UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System

26. GRVA recalled the purpose of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/143 and the agreement to reconfirm its content at this session. GRVA reviewed GRVA-11-08, jointly developed by the IWG on DSSAD/EDR and the Special Interest Group on UN Regulation No. 157, with an amendment proposal to the official document. GRVA requested the secretariat to submit the amendments to World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1), for consideration at their November 2021 sessions.

27. The expert from the United States of America required clarification about the procedure in that case. The secretariat explained the administrative constraints in such as case and agreed to expedite the preparation of documents in line with relevant rules.

4. (d) | UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System

GRVA received a progress report from the Special Interest Group on UN Regulation No. 157 (GRVA-10-34).

GRVA discussed the coordination of work related to this agenda item in line with the guidance provided by AC.2 (GRVA-08-10).

GRVA requested the secretariat to submit GRVA-10-35 to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their November 2021 sessions, subject to final review by GRVA at its September 2021 sessions.

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