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UN R155: Comments on document GRVA/2021/5
Document GRVA-09-08
25 January 2021
Submitted by CLEPA and OICA
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5. (a) Cyber security and data protection

30. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2021/5. He recalled the discussion at the seventh session of GRVA on para. 5.3.5 in UN Regulation No. 155. The expert from OICA provided comments (GRVA-09-08). The expert from Germany advised to not paraphrase Schedule 6 or add requirements that would differ from those in the 1958 Agreement. The expert from Japan expressed concerns related to the implementation of the provisions in the 1958 Agreement and therefore proposed to keep the text unchanged. The expert from France supported the position expressed by the expert from Japan. The experts from Italy and UK expressed similar positions. The expert from the Russian Federation explained that the case was not related to disputes as in Schedule 6. He proposed to withdraw his proposal and to discuss it at a meeting of the IWG on International Whole Vehicle Type Approval.

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