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UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA-07-03
Document GRVA-07-40
18 September 2020

Japan supports the proposal from Germany (GRVA-07-03) to establish an informal working group to develop requirements for heavy-duty vehicle VRU AEBS. Japan proposes to adapt provisions from UN R152 on light vehicle AEBS.

Submitted by Japan
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. Advanced Emergency Braking Systems

57. GRVA agreed with the proposal of Germany to establish an IWG on AEBS for heavy vehicles. GRVA also agreed to consider the proposal from France to specifically address situations related to toll and level crossing barriers. GRVA endorsed the Terms of Reference (ToR) in GRVA-07-03 as modified by GRVA-07-40, reproduced in Annex IX of the session report.

58. GRVA agreed that the expert from Germany would invite delegations for the first informal meeting and requested the meeting to submit an updated ToR for review at the next GRVA session.

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