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Review of regulations with regard to automated driving
Document GRSG-118-27
9 July 2020

Review of GRSG regulations and possible need for changes to address automated driving. The table considers how often regulations refer to a “driver” where the absence of a human driver could raise questions.

Submitted by OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
15. | Exchange of views on Vehicle Automation

117. The expert from OICA recalled document GRSG-118-27, “the table of GRSG Regulations – Review for automated driving”, presented at the 118th and 120th session of GRSG, containing a table of UN Regulations under the auspices of GRSG that may require amending as a result of the introduction of automation technologies in vehicles, in particular concerning the concept and role of the “driver”. She proposed the inclusion of Automated/Autonomous Shuttles for future discussions at GRSG under this agenda item, to consider how those vehicles may be categorized.

118. The expert from AAPC supported the proposed examination of vehicle categorization in the context of technological developments allowing automation of commercial vehicles, including definitions in S.R.1 and R.E.3.

119. GRSG decided to continue consideration of document GRSG-118-27, as part of the agenda of the October 2021 session of the group. The Chair of GRSG underlined that, when examining amendments to GRSG regulations, due consideration should be taken with regard to mentions of the “driver” in those regulations for the purpose of evaluating whether modifications to the definition are called for in the context of vehicle automation. He further stated that due consideration should be given to corresponding revisions of Resolutions that contain relevant definitions, to make update them and render compatible for automated driving.

16. | Exchange of views on Vehicle Automation

64. The expert from OICA introduced document GRSG-118-27, the table of GRSG Regulations – Review for automated driving, containing a table of UN Regulations under the auspices of GRSG that may require amending as a result of the introduction of automation technologies in vehicles, in particular concerning the concept and role of the “driver”. Upon review, GRSG agreed to keep document GRSG-118-27 on the agenda for its next session in October 2020, possibly in an updated format.

Relates to Automated Driving |