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1958 Agreement and lifetime/lifecycle considerations
Document WP.29-180-18
9 March 2020

Consideration of terms such as “lifetime” and “lifecycle” in UN Regulations under the 1958 Agreement.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.3. Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

31. The secretariat introduced WP.29-180-18 responding to the task assigned during the 179th session of WP.29 concerning the legal basis to draft lifecycle and lifetime related provisions under the 1958 Agreement.

32. The representative of France proposed to distribute this document to all GRs for review and potential comment. WP.29 agreed with this proposal and decided to keep this document on its agenda.

33. The representative of OICA reaffirmed his views on the purpose of the 1958 Agreement and the 1997 Agreement highlighting that the 1958 Agreement defines the performance requirements that vehicles and their equipment must fulfill in order to allow their placing on the market; the 1997 Agreement is aimed at verifying that these same vehicles and equipment remain in good shape as foreseen by the Rules. He also emphasized that, while the 1958 Agreement and its UN Regulations may foresee provisions to facilitate later inspections under the 1997 Agreement, the objectives of both Agreements should not be mixed. The secretariat confirmed that the document did not explore the potential link between both Agreements but simply offered a reading of the 1958 Agreement.

Relates to 1958 Agreement | Automated Driving |