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VRU-Proxi informal group status report on "Reversing Motion"
Document GRSG-117-34
9 October 2019
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. | Awareness of the proximity of Vulnerable Road Users

27. GRSG noted GRSG-117-34 tabled by IWG on awareness of Vulnerable Road Users proximity in low speed manoeuvres (VRU-Proxi) which provided the status of IWG and a summary of proposed regulation on the approval of devices for reversing motion and motor vehicles with regard to the driver’s awareness of vulnerable road users behind vehicles. The regulation would follow a multi modal approach consisting of indirect vision, detection systems, direct vision or combinations of methods or devices. It would cover both the approval of components and also their installation.

28. GRSG agreed to resume discussions on the new UN Regulation based on a proposal to be submitted by VRU-Proxi at its next session and noted the next meeting of IWG that would be held in Brussels from 26 to 28 November 2019.

Related and Previous Documents
Relates to UN R158 | UN R165 | VRU Proximity Awareness |