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UN R79: Consolidated proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2019/19
Document GRVA-04-47
27 September 2019

Text approved by GRVA consolidating input from stakeholders and agreed changes to the original proposal (GRVA/2019/19) for submission to WP.29 at its March 2020 session. The proposal amends the draft text (GRVA/2019/9) submitted to resolve measurement concerns in the test requirements for ACSF of Category B1 and C by introducing provisions for tolerances, including:

  • inclusion of the position at which the lateral acceleration was measured and the position of the centre of gravity of the vehicle for better traceablility,
  • sampling rate of at least 100 Hz for dynamic testing,
  • specification of filters and cut-off frequency for determination of lateral acceleration,
  • option to measure “overriding force” torque via an internal sensor or an external device (e.g., steering robot).

Status: Superseded
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