Request to extend mandate WLTP Informal Working Group and for guidance on future work plan.
19. The Chair of IWG on WLTP introduced GRPE-79-08-Rev.1 updating GRPE on the latest activities of IWG on WLTP. He requested an extension until June 2020 for the activities of the group, as he recalled GRPE the current Terms of Reference (ToRs) of IWG on WLTP had an expiration date in December 2019. The representative from Canada asked about the plans of IWG on WLTP after Jun 2020. The Chair of IWG on WLTP stated the future will depend on the content of the work which remained to be defined at the time. The Chair of GRPE highlighted it would be important to hold the discussions with all other IWGs. GRPE noted the request for a meeting room for one and a half day during the GRPE week in January 2020.
20. The representative from EC indicated that the work item on road loads covered in the status report was discussed and some CPs requested it, but the item was finally not prioritized. She agreed with the extension of the ToRs for IWG on WLTP for six months and requested that longer-term work items should be considered in conjunction with the broader work priorities for GRPE (as introduced in paras. 6 to 10). The representative of Switzerland was also in agreement with the six-month prolongation and to further align with the GRPE priorities.
21. GRPE agreed to prolong the work of IWG on WLTP until June 2020, as reflected in Annex III.