Proposal to introduce a definition for “Extended Mobility Tyre” based on a new “minimum requirement” performance test procedure with the relevant pictogram to be used to properly distinguish such tyres and to ensure that that P-type tyres can be distinguished from non-P-type tyres.
16. The experts from ETRTO proposed to clarify and improve the text of UN Regulation No. 30 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/5 and GRB-69-11-Rev.1). GRB adopted the proposal, as amended by Annex III of the session report, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2019 sessions as a draft Supplement 21 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 30. GRB also requested the secretariat, in cooperation with ETRTO, to use this opportunity to consolidate the text of the UN Regulation.
17. GRB resumed consideration of the ETRTO proposals for amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 30 and 64 which introduce provisions on extended mobility tyres (EMT) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2018/6, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2018/7 and GRB-68-14). In reply to the questions raised at the previous session, the expert of ETRTO presented GRB-69-12. GRB adopted the proposals and requested the secretariat to submit them to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2019 sessions as a draft Supplement 21 to the 02 series of amendments UN Regulation No. 30 and a draft Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 64.
28. The expert from ETRTO proposed amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 30 and 64 which introduce provisions related to extended mobility tyres (EMT) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2018/6, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2018/7 and GRB-68-14). He pointed out that EMT were already available on the market and needed to be regulated. The experts from Germany, Italy and Japan supported the proposals. The experts from France, Netherlands and Switzerland posed questions. The expert from UK requested data on the availability of EMT on the market. GRB was of the view that Contracting Parties needed more time to study the proposals and decided to defer this item to the next session. Meanwhile, GRB experts were invited to study the proposals and send their remarks to ETRTO.
GRVA/2018/6 | |
GRB/2019/5 | |
GRB-69-11/Rev.1 | |
WP.29/2019/52 |