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AEBS: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2019/5
Document GRVA-02-02
8 January 2019

Proposal of amendments from the AEBS informal group to their original submission for a new UN Regulation.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.12.1. | Proposal for a new UN Regulation on Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to the Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) for M1 and N1 vehicles

93. The World Forum considered the proposal for a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to the Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) for M1 and N1 vehicles (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/61) under agenda item 4.12.1.

94. The representative of OICA stated that they did not fully support the proposal. The Chair of GRVA acknowledged the position of the representative from OICA and proposed to review amendment proposals at the group’s upcoming sessions.

95. The representative of Japan thanked GRVA experts involved in the development of the draft new UN Regulation on AEBS and and expressed his strong expectation that the new UN Regulation on AEBS would be adopted, taking into consideration its recent national situation where serious traffic accidents caused by elderly drivers occur frequently. He added that Japan had started to consider mandating the fitting of AEBS at an appropriate timing.

96. The World Forum considered the proposal and recommended its submission to AC.1 for voting.

6. | Advanced Emergency Braking Systems

45. GRVA did not consider GRVA-02-02 as its content was not anymore relevant, given the decision in para. 42 above.

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