UN R79: Proposal for revised ToR and RoP of the IWG on ACSF
Document GRVA-01-08
19 September 2018

Updated goals and objectives of the Automatically Commanded Steering Functions expert group based upon the work to date, including the possibility to establish requirements for automated lane-keeping functions as a new UN Regulation. The previous terms of reference focused only on amendments to UN R79.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (d) | Automatically Commanded Steering Function

30. The expert from Germany presented the status report of the IWG on ACSF (GRVA-01-37). She requested guidance on whether the group should develop provisions for a new regulation, as the activities would go beyond the scope of UN Regulation No. 79 as originally envisaged. GRVA agreed with the suggestion of the IWG that technical provisions for new regulation should be developed. She introduced GRVA-01-08 with amended ToR for the group in line with the decision of GRVA in favour of a new regulation. GRVA endorsed the proposal for revised ToR as reproduced in Annex III to the report and noted that the timeline was ambitious. The Chair agreed to bring this point to the attention of WP.29.

Relates to UN R79 |