Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 110
Document WP.29/2017/114
18 August 2017

Proposal to correct the definition of “manual valve”, including deletion of the phrase “rigidly fixed to the cylinder or tank”. The definition of the manual valve as part of the accessories fitted to the container or tank (para. 4.16.) is different from the definition specified in paragraph 4.22. The proposed editorial change aims at clarifying the text of these definitions.

Status: Adopted
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4.7.4. | Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 110
9. | Regulation No. 110

29. The expert from the Netherlands introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2017/4 aimed at correcting an error in the definitions related to the manual valve. GRSG noted a number of comments and adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2017/4 as reproduced below. The secretariat was requested to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 as draft Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendment and as draft Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 110, for consideration at their November 2017 sessions.

Paragraph 4.16.1., amend to read:
“4.16.1. “Manual valve”: as defined in paragraph 4.22. that is rigidly fixed to the cylinder or tank."
Paragraph 4.16.3., amend to read:
“4.16.3. “Excess flow valve”: as defined in paragraph 4.21."
Paragraph 4.22., amend to read:
“4.22. “Manual valve” means a valve which is operated manually."

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