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Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 17
Document GRSP-61-19/Rev.1
11 May 2017

Proposal to clarify that seat belt components such as retractors shall not sustain damage during testing according to Annex 9 of UN R17. Presently, these components have occasionally been damaged during testing such that their functionality has been impaired. In order to ensure adequate occupant safety, this proposal would require all safety-belt components to be included in the test installation, clarifies that such damage is not acceptable, and requires post-test inspection.

Submitted by Germany
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
9. Regulation No. 17 (Strength of seats)

17. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/25 aimed at clarifying that safety-belts and components should continue to function after the load retention test. He added that according to the current text of the UN Regulation, when safety-belt retractor destruction occurred during a test, there were no means to refuse the type approval. However, the expert from OICA argued that the text proposed still shows misinterpretations. Therefore, the expert from Germany, in cooperation with the experts from CLEPA and OICA introduced GRSP-62-37. The experts from the Russian Federation and Australia remarked on the need to verify cross references to other UN Regulations. The expert from OICA suggested that the proposal should be a new series of amendments instead of a supplement. In the meantime, the expert from France argued that it should be considered as a Supplement because it introduces clarifications. He requested further a study reservation. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2018 session and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-62-37 with an official symbol. Finally, the expert from Germany proposed to establish a Technical Service Group (TSG) to address interpretation issues, as for UN Regulation No. 44.

10. Regulation No. 17 (Strength of seats)

22. The expert from Germany introduced GRSP-61-19-Rev.1 to clarify that safety-belts and components should still in function after the load retention test. The expert from OICA argued that inevitably after the test some components would be damaged and raised a study reservation. GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its December 2017 session and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-61-19-Rev.1 with an official symbol.

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