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Highlights of the speech by Mr. Anshu Prakash, Additional Secretary, Department of Heavy Industries of the Republic of India
Document WP.29-170-37
17 November 2016
Submitted by India
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. | Exchange of views on national/regional rulemaking procedures and implementation of established UN Regulations and/or gtrs into national/regional law

87. The representative from India, highlighted in his intervention the role and positive impact of India’s automotive sector on the country’s strong economic growth. He expressed his satisfaction that major vehicle manufacturers had invested in his country. He informed WP.29 that with the significant achievements resulting from India’s 2006 – 2016 automotive mission plan, the Indian Government has recently finalized its Mission plan for the next ten years. The country expects growth in all road categories of road vehicles manufactured, significant progress in application of green technologies as a result of dedicated actions to mitigate environmental concerns, and important progress in the sphere of road safety. He reported that vehicle standards in India were recently subjected to legislative amendments that provide for a leapfrogging to the latest emission standards and the introduction of crashworthiness requirements and norms for pedestrian safety. The representative from India closed his deliberation by emphasizing India’s commitment to transpose GTRs adopted under the 1998 agreement into national regulations. The complete statement of the representative of India is available in Informal document WP.29-170-37.