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Emergency Steering Function (ESF)
Document GRRF-82-13
16 September 2016

During its 8th meeting (Stockholm), the ACSF informal group decided that all functions to “assist the avoidance of a collision” would be excluded from the definition of “Corrective Steering Function”. ACSF decided to establish a new definition for “Emergency Steering Functions (ESF)” with specific requirements. The intention was to draft this definition during a second phase effort through which requirements for ACSF categories beyond B1 will be established. In order to enable the approval of ESF systems critical to road safety, OICA has prepared this proposal for an ESF definition and simple requirements based upon provisions for Complex Electronics (CEL) in Annex 6. A footnote has also been added to define the specific conditions for the approval of these systems, until uniform provisions are defined by the ACSF informal group.

Submitted by OICA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8. | Discussion for definition and requirement of ESF
9. (a) | Regulation No. 79
9. (c) | Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF)

58. The expert from OICA presented GRRF-82-13 proposing the introduction of provisions applicable for Emergency Steering Functions (ESF). GRRF supported the proposal but noted the absence of objective testing requirements to verify the safe operation of such systems at the time of Type Approval. Therefore, GRRF invited the IWG on ACSF to develop provisions for ESF.

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Relates to UN R79 |