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Presentation on avenues for the further development of the 1997 Agreement
Document WP.29-168-05
4 March 2016
Presentation of options discussed within the PTI informal group for the development of the Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform conditions for periodical technical inspections of wheeled vehicles and the reciprocal recognition of such inspections done at Vienna on 13 November 1997.
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7.1. | Status of the 1997 Agreement
7.3. | Establishment of UN Rules No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5

75. The representative of the Russian Federation, co-Chair of the IWG on PTI presented the informal document that was prepared by the IWG on PTI highlights different options for covering the elements of testing equipment, skills and training for inspectors as well as supervision of test centres within the framework of the 1997 Agreement.

76. The representative of Romania highlighted the necessity to provide for future flexibility as these new elements will need to follow technical progress and, therefore, should be designed so as to allow for amendments by WP.29/AC.4.

77. The Finnish representative raised concerns on an increased diversity between the Contracting Parties in case these new elements would be covered in new Rules when not all Contracting Parties would be applying all the rules and how this might affect the mutual recognition of International Technical Inspection Certificates.

78. The World Forum encouraged the IWG on PTI to take the concerns raised into consideration and to develop options to provide for the requested flexibility and harmonization.

Relates to 1997 Agreement |