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Conditions on the luminous flux of light sources in Regulations Nos. 112 and 123
Document GRE-73-26
17 April 2015
Submitted by France
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. (f) Regulation No. 112 (Headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing-beam)

30. The expert of GTB presented the results of their study of minimum levels of flux projected in critical zones of the passing beam distribution of a H4 halogen reflector headlamp and a representative LED headlamp (GRE-76-25). Based on these results, he proposed to remove the design-specific requirement of a minimum objective flux (1,000 lm) for LED and halogen light sources and to replace it with a technology-neutral and performance-based requirement (GRE-76-04-Rev.1). The proposal received comments by the experts from France, Germany, Italy, Poland, UK, EC, OICA. As there was no unequivocal support to the proposal, GRE decided to keep it on the agenda of the next session and to pass it to IWG SLR at a later stage.

7. (j) Regulation No. 112 (Headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing-beam)

34. The expert from France proposed to delete a design restrictive requirement (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2015/22 and GRE-73-26). This proposal received comments from the experts of Germany and the Netherlands. The expert from Poland suggested a different approach on this issue (GRE-73-21). The Chair invited the experts from France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, CLEPA and IEC to prepare a revised proposal for the next session.

Related and Previous Documents
Relates to UN R112 | UN R123 |