Current working draft for the 01 Series of amendments to Regulation No. 86
44. The expert from the Netherlands, chairing the informal Group on Agricultural Vehicle Lighting Installation (AVLI), informed GRE about the progress made by AVLI under Phase II of its mandate and introduced a draft proposal for the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 86 (GRE-73-02). The experts from Austria, France, Italy and UK commented on this proposal and, in particular, on remaining square brackets in paragraph 6.5.1. and paragraph 3. of Annex 6. GRE invited AVLI to take these comments into account when finalizing the proposal for official submission to the next session of GRE. GRE also noted that Mr. Gerd Kellermann (Germany) would no longer be in a position to co-Chair AVLI and that this position would be taken over by Mr. Timo Kärkkäinen (Finland). GRE thanked that Mr. Kellermann for his contributions and welcomed Mr. Kärkkäinen.
GRE-73-02 | |
AVLI-07-10 |