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GFV informal group status report
Document GRPE-71-28/Rev.1
12 June 2015
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8. Gaseous Fuelled Vehicles (GFV)

42. The Chair of the IWG on GFV presented a status report (GRPE-71-28-Rev.1) on the activities of the group and, in particular, those related to the development of a new UN Regulation on the requirements for the type approval of retrofit systems intended to be installed on a heavy duty diesel vehicle to enable its operation either in diesel mode or in dual-fuel mode. He informed GRPE that the group intended to submit a first draft of the new UN Regulation at the next GRPE session in January 2016.

43. GRPE acknowledged the work progress made by the group and noted the request for a meeting room for half a day during the GRPE week in January 2016.

Relates to UN R67 | UN R110 | UN R115 | UN R143 |