Working Party on General Safety | Session 122 | 12-15 Oct 2021
Agenda Item 3. (b)
UN Regulation No. 43 (Safety glazing)

23. The expert from France introduced a proposal for amendment of UN Regulation No. 43 (GRSG-122-07-Rev.1) proposing amendment to the text in paragraph 2.5. with the aim to reconstruct the definition “Glass-plastics” within this Regulation. Following this presentation, the expert from OICA expressed slight confusion by the informal document stating the new definition was unclear.

24. GRSG considered document GRSG-122-07-Rev.1 amending UN Regulation No. 43 and requested their submission as an official document for further discussion and consideration at the 123rd, March 2022 session of GRSG.

25. The expert from France presented the document GRSG-122-32, a suggestion for amendment of UN Regulation No. 43. The expert from Netherlands indicated his support for the proposal but proposed the experts from France give a more detailed explanation of the amendment.

26. GRSG considered document GRSG-122-32 amending UN Regulation No. 43 and requested its submission as an official document for discussion and consideration at the 123rd, March 2022 session of GRSG.

27. The expert from OICA presented informal document GRSG-122-09, a proposal to amend UN Regulation No. 43. The expert from Japan introduced himself as the representative of the Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Tourism (MLIT) Japan, and informed GRSG that he recently became the head of the Japanese delegation in July of 2021, and this was his first time as a delegate in GRSG. In contribution to the presentation, he proposed the document be reviewed to include other vehicle types such as security vehicles.

28. The Chair of GRSG invited members of delegation to send in contributions to OICA on this document as it is to be reviewed as a formal document in the 123rd of March 2022 session of GRSG.

GRSG-122-07 UN R43: proposal for amendment (France)
GRSG-122-07/Rev.1 UN R43: Proposal for amendment (France)
GRSG-122-09 UN R43: Proposal for amendments (OICA)
GRSG-122-32 UN R43: Proposal for amendments (France)