21. The expert from CLEPA introduced:
22. GRSP adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/15, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/16 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/18, all as amended by Annex III to the session report and requested to submit them, as whole package, as draft Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129, for consideration and vote at the June 2021 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.
23. GRSP resumed discussion on limit values on the chest vertical acceleration of Q-dummies during the dynamic testing of ECRS, on the basis of GRSP-68-05 tabled by the expert from CLEPA. The expert from CLEPA introduced the proposal through a presentation (GRSP-68-10) showing GRSP that collection and analysis of data monitoring was progressing. He further encouraged Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement to provide data to support the analysis and the proposed limits. The expert from Spain introduced a presentation (GRSP-68-26), showing the test results conducted by her technical service on the effects of dummy type Q1.5 chin-thorax contact in measuring upper neck forces. GRSP noted that further data collection was needed and agreed to resume discussion on this topic at its May 2021 session.
24. The expert from Spain introduced GRSP-68-13, aimed at not considering the maximum dimension for specific vehicle built-in ECRS. The expert from CLEPA raised a time reservation on the proposal. Finally, GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this topic at its May 2021 session on the basis of a revised proposal by the experts from Spain, CLEPA and OICA.