Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 7 | 21-25 Sep 2020
Web conference
Agenda Item 12. (c)
Any other business

81. The secretariat informed GRVA on the submission, by the group “Human Factors in International Regulations for Automated Driving Systems” operating under the auspice of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), of a position paper GRVA-07-65 on teleoperation, stated to be a viable backup solution in case of problems encountered by ADS. He explained that this position paper had been presented during the same week at the session of WP.1.

82. The secretariat introduced GRVA-07-14, providing information on the ongoing activities related to the Inland Transport Committee decision at its February 2020 session (ECE/TRANS/294, para. 31-32), revising the UNECE Road Map on Intelligent Transport Systems. GRVA received the information that comments on the draft revised road map could be provided through the online collaboration page.

83. Following the virtual and informal session in lieu of the seventh session of GRVA, the secretariat prepared the list of decisions stemming from this session, in English, French and Russian (GRVA-07-76). It had been submitted to the Heads of Delegations and the permanent representations of contracting parties in Geneva for an approval by silence procedure, in accordance with the special procedures established by the UNECE Executive Committee. The secretariat informed the delegations by email, ten days after the procedure had been initiated, that the silence had not been broken.

GRVA-07-14 Draft revision of the UNECE roadmap on ITS
GRVA-07-76 GRVA: List of decisions taken during the 7th (September 2020) session under the silence procedure
GRVA-07-77 Motorcycle rider assistance and collision avoidance (Israel)