Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 7 | 21-25 Sep 2020
Web conference
Agenda Item 6. (b)
Steering equipment

46. The expert from OICA recalled the purpose of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/16 and presented GRVA-07-22, inserting provisions in the Regulation for the approval of Risk Mitigation Function. He recalled that existing systems could no longer be approved according to the 03 series of amendments. GRVA agreed to resume discussion on this item and requested the secretariat to insert a corresponding agenda item in the provisional agenda for the next GRVA session.

47. The expert from OICA introduced GRVA-07-24, with provisions for the approval of systems providing manoeuvring assistance in low speed driving situations aimed at reducing damages and injuries. The expert from Japan commented that the 2 m/s2 value seemed high. GRVA agreed to resume consideration of this item at its February 2021 session.

GRVA-07-22 UN R79: Proposal for amendments - Emergency assist / RMF (CLEPA and OICA)
GRVA-07-24 UN R79: Proposal for amendments to the 03 series of amendments-ESF (CLEPA and OICA)
GRVA-07-29 UN R79: Proposal for clarifications of ACSF Cat B1 provisions (CLEPA and OICA)
GRVA-07-43 UN R79: Proposal for amendments (ACSF Category C and truck-trailer data transmission) (CLEPA and OICA)
GRVA/2020/23 UN R79: Proposal for a Supplement to the 03 series of amendments (CITA)