Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 4 | 24-27 Sep 2019

The deadline for the submission of official working documents is 28 June 2019.

The GRVA session will begin at 9:30 on Tuesday (24 September) and finish by 12:30 on Friday (27 September). The session will be preceded by a meeting of the informal working group on Functional Requirements for Automated Vehicles (FRAV) on Monday from 11:00 until 17:30.

Agenda Item 4. (c)
Report of the Informal Working Group on Automated Lane Keeping Systems

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the outcome of the last meetings of the IWG on Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF).

GRVA-04-33 Proposal from Industry about ALKS for HCVs (OICA)
GRVA-04-53 UN R79 requirements and real-world driving behavior (75MB file) (AVERE and Tesla)