World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 177 | 11-15 Mar 2019
Agenda Item 7.2.
Amendments to the 1997 Agreement

121. The secretariat informed WP.29 about the notification of the Office of Legal Affairs on the proposal for amendments to the 1997 Agreement submitted by the Russian Federation based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/92/Rev.1 containing the text previously agreed by WP.29.

122. The representative of the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of IWG on Periodical Technical Inspections (PTI), presented to the World Forum the results of the thirteenth meeting of the group. He introduced the draft work plan for the working items included in the Terms of Reference of the group, the expected deliverables and feasible timelines. He reported on the consideration of his group for the coordination of its work with the calendars of the GRs. He introduced WP.29-177-15. The World Forum approved the updated working plan.

123. The Co-Chair of IWG on PTI stated that the group discussed how to coordinate the work with the GRs and how to avoid overlapping work. He suggested that the GRs propose topics on the matter of in-service compliance to the IWG on PTI, that would serve as a platform. He added that it would allow the proper management and preparation of general solutions with the participation of experts on in-service compliance. He proposed that the existing title of the group could be modified to IWG on in-service compliance of vehicles and their components.

124. He proposed that IWG on PTI, in cooperation with the GRs, work out the approach for development of the corresponding requirements for the performance of systems and components and assessment methods, which can be prescribed within either UN Regulations or the UN Rules.

125. He reported that the group had supported the proposal of GRPE and CITA to draft precise proposals to make the design of vehicles more difficult for tampering.

126. He informed that the group had assessed the feasibility of including a Particulate Number (PN) measurement method in UN Rule 1. He noted that the group was monitoring the development of the NOx measurement methods suitable for PTI. He reported on the presentation of the expert from the International Standard Organization (ISO) on electronic-PTI (ePTI).

127. The representative of OICA questioned the use of the term “in service compliance” in a context where the object of compliance is not defined.

128. The representative of CITA agreed that PTI tests were not aimed at mimicking type approval tests and that the object for compliance would need to be further defined by IWG.

129. The representative of Sweden welcomed the work performed by IWG on PTI and also supported the development of PTI relevant provisions under the 1958 Agreement which are consistent with the provisions of the 1997 Agreement. He highlighted the current challenge of identifying what the vehicle should self-monitor to insure continuous roadworthiness.

130. The representative of the Netherlands, Chair of GRPE, referred to the presentation made by CITA at the January 2019 session of GRPE (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/78, paras. 26 to 29) and highlighted that GRPE welcomed the diagnosis presented by the experts from CITA and the need to address the issue of vehicle tampering. He reaffirmed the importance for GRPE to liaise with PTI experts to address this issue.

131. The representative of UK, Chair of GRVA, reported on the considerations of IWG on Automatically Commanded Steering Function with regards to sensor deterioration suggesting the need for durability requirements. He stated that the roadworthiness needed to be ensured continuously, not only during PTI tests. In this respect, the representative of CITA suggested to review WP.29-177-16.

132. The Co-Chair of IWG on PTI, introduced WP.29-177-16, and explained the proposal of the group for a safety assurance framework, based on a risk-analysis approach, which would have to be developed for each relevant system in the vehicle. He added that it would consist of assessing the possibilities of non-compliance and their impacts. The method was deemed appropriate for anticipating both the development of Type Approval provision and roadworthiness provisions for vehicles in-service. The World Forum noted the approach proposed and agreed to be informed about further developments of the proposals at its June 2019 session.

WP.29-177-15 Working plan of the IWG on PTI. Priorities, deliverables and expected timelines
WP.29-177-16 PTI: Proposal for assurance of the safety of vehicles, equipment and systems, including automated/autonomous driving systems in operation
WP.29/2017/92 Proposal for amendments to the 1997 Agreement
WP.29/2017/92/Corr.1 1997 Agreement: Corrigendum to the proposal WP.29/2017/92
WP.29/2017/92/Rev.1 1997 Agreement: Proposal for amendments