Working Party on Noise | Session 69 | 23-25 Jan 2019
Agenda Item 15.
Other business

34. The expert from France proposed an amendment to UN Regulation No. 28 which complemented paragraph 2 “Definition” with an “electronic” operation of the audible warning device (GRB-69-04). GRB invited the expert to submit the proposal as an official document for the next session.

35. GRB considered how to implement new provisions of Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement, such as the “Unique Identifier” (UI), transitional provisions in UN Regulations, approval of innovations, CoP provisions, modified communication form and approval numbers (WP.29-176-19). GRB decided to revert to UI and approval of innovations at the next session. For the CoP provisions, the expert from the Russian Federation referred to Schedule 1 of Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement.

GRB-69-04 UN R28: Proposal for a Supplement (France)
WP.29-176-19 Report to 176th WP.29 session from the 28th IWVTA Informal Group meeting (Phase 2)