previous meeting
Working Party on Noise | Session 69 | 23-25 Jan 2019
(Latest 4 March 2019)
| Agenda | Formal | Informal |

1. The Working Party on Noise (GRB) held its sixty-ninth session from 22 to 25 January 2019 in Geneva. The meeting was chaired by Mr. S. Ficheux (France). Experts from the following countries participated in the work following Rule 1(a) of the Rules of Procedure of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) (TRANS/WP.29/690/Rev.1): China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Switzerland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. An expert from the European Commission (EC) participated. Experts from the following non-governmental organizations also participated: Association of European Wheel Manufacturers (EUWA), Bureau International Permanent des Associations de Vendeurs et Rechapeurs de pneumatiques (BIPAVER), International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA), European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA), European Tyre and Rim Technical Organization (ETRTO), Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA), International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

1. Adoption of the agenda

2. GRB considered and adopted the agenda (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/1, as amended by GRB-69-01-Rev.1), subject to the addition of a new item 7 (d) “UN Global Technical Regulation No. 16 (Tyres)”. GRB noted the running order proposed by the Chair (GRB-69-02-Rev.1). The list of informal documents is contained in Annex I of the session report. The list of GRB informal groups is reproduced in Annex VI.

GRB-69-01/Rev.1 | GRB: Updated provisional agenda for the 69th session
GRB-69-02/Rev.1 | GRB: Running order of the agenda for the 69th session
GRB/2019/1 | Annotated provisional agenda for the 69th GRB session
2. UN Regulation No. 9 (Noise of three-wheeled vehicles)

3. GRB noted that the proposals for the 08 series of amendments, which had been adopted by GRB at the previous session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/66, para. 3 and Annex II), had been submitted to WP.29 and to the Administrative Committee (AC.1) for consideration and vote at their March 2019 sessions.

4. The expert from IMMA proposed to correct an inconsistency in the exemption conditions applicable to the additional sound emission provisions (ASEP) for vehicles with variable gear ratios or automatic transmission with non-lockable gear ratios (GRB-69-14 and GRB-69-16). The expert from Germany made a study reservation. GRB invited IMMA to convert the proposal into an official document for consideration at the next session.

GRB-69-14 | UN R9: Proposal for amendments to the draft 08 series of amendments Proposal to correct an inconsistency in document GRB-68-22 (adopted along with GRB/2018/7 and submitted for consideration at the March 2019 WP.29 session as WP.29/2019/6) regarding the ASEP exemption conditions for vehicles with variable gear ratios or automatic transmission with non-lockable gear ratios.
GRB-69-16 | UN R9: ASEP for L5 vehicles with CVT/AT: background information to GRB-69-14
3. UN Regulation No. 41 (Noise emissions of motorcycles): Development

5. No new proposals were considered under this agenda item.

4. (a) UN Regulation No. 51 (Noise of M and N categories of vehicles): Development

6. The Chair of the Informal Working Group on Additional Sound Emission Provisions (IWG ASEP) proposed to introduce transitional provisions for Supplements 4 and 5 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/9 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/11). GRB adopted these proposals and recalled that Supplement 5 would still be considered by WP.29 at its session in March 2019 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/4). To speed up the amendment process, GRB requested the secretariat to issue a revised version of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/4 with the adopted transitional provisions.

GRB/2019/11 | UN R51: Amendment to the proposal for Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal by the Informal Working Group on Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) to introduce a transitional provision in line with the transitional provisions of Supplement 3. The new transitional provision should be added to the text of draft Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments to UN R51 which was adopted by the Working Party on Noise at its sixty-eighth session (GRB/2018/10).
GRB/2019/9 | UN R51: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal by the Informal Working Group (IWG) on Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) to introduce transitional provisions in line with the transitional provisions in Supplement 3 and to reintroduce a sentence deleted by mistake in Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51.
WP.29/2019/4 | UN R51: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to address comments on the adopted Supplement 4:<ol class="alpha"><li>align the flowchart in the appendix to Annex 3, Figure 3c with the amendment to paragraph <notextile>(c)</notextile> of Supplement 3 to the 03 series</li><li>amend Appendix to Annex 3, Table 1 to limit to pure electric vehicles the options to either use mechanical or electronic devices to control the gear shift or take measures to avoid accelerations greater than 2.0 m/s² (GRB/2018/2 and GRB-67-17)</li><li>under Annex 7, paragraph 5.2., align the principle of testing between automatic and manual transmission having more than 5 gears.</li></ol>

7. GRB also noted that, during the adoption of Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments, a sentence in Annex 3, paragraph had been deleted by mistake (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/9). To restore the sentence, GRB requested the secretariat to issue a corrigendum to the Supplement which would be deemed applicable ab initio. GRB also adopted a minor editorial correction to Annex 3, paragraph (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/8).

GRB/2019/8 | UN R51: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 3 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal by the Informal Working Group (IWG) on Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) to correct a reference in Supplement 3 to the 03 series of amendments to UN R51.
GRB/2019/9 | UN R51: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal by the Informal Working Group (IWG) on Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) to introduce transitional provisions in line with the transitional provisions in Supplement 3 and to reintroduce a sentence deleted by mistake in Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51.

8. The Chair of IWG ASEP proposed a new Supplement 6 to the 03 series of amendments with the aim to correct a reference and to clarify the requirements for stationary sound (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/10). The expert from Germany, supported by the expert from the Netherlands, raised several issues concerning the proposal. GRB decided to postpone the discussion to the next session and invited all parties concerned to prepare a revised wording which would address the concerns of the expert from Germany.

GRB/2019/10 | UN R51: Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal by the Informal Working Group on Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) to introduce transitional provisions for Supplements 4 and 5 to the 03 series of amendments to UN R51 (in line with the transitional provisions of Supplement 3), to correct a reference and to clarify the requirements for stationary sound.

9. The expert from China reported on a preliminary study of the test methods for the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51 (GRB-69-18). GRB noted this information and decided to revert to the topic once more results would be available.

GRB-69-18 | UN R51: A preliminary study on test methods for R51-03
4. (b) UN Regulation No. 51 (Vehicle Noise): Additional sound emission provisions

10. GRB took note of progress of IWG ASEP (GRB-69-13).

GRB-69-13 | Status report of the ASEP II informal group

11. The expert of OICA raised the issue of uncertainties of sound emission measurements according to UN Regulation No. 51 and some other UN Regulations (GRB-69-15). He pointed out that the uncertainties included variations within the same test laboratory (run-to-run), variations in the ambient conditions and equipment properties (day-to-day) and variations between test laboratories and road surface conditions (site-to-site). The expert from ISO reported on field experience for measuring variations according to ISO 16254 (GRB-69-26). To reduce variations and improve repeatability and reproducibility of the results, he suggested that a single microphone should be replaced with an array of microphones.

12. The experts from Germany and France proposed to address non-negligible differences in sound performance when conformity of production (CoP) tests were not carried out in the same conditions as the type approval tests (GRB-69-05). The proposal introduced conditions and procedures to be followed for test tracks comparison and for corrections to be applied on Lurban. GRB welcomed this initiative as an important starting point for further work and invited GRB experts to support it with real data.

13. GRB stressed the importance of addressing measurement uncertainties and pointed out the need to establish a new task force to this end. While OICA volunteered to provide secretariat support to the task force, GRB was not in a position to identify a governmental expert who would take the lead, due to the limited resources of competent authorities. Nevertheless, GRB was of the view that the task force should start activities as soon as possible, even without a formal leader. GRB requested the ECE secretariat to establish a dedicated website for the task force and suggested that it should meet in conjunction with the meetings of other IWGs, in order to reduce the travel expenses of participants. GRB also invited its Chair to report to the Committee for Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2) on the issue.

GRB-69-05 | UN R51: Proposal for a Supplement to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to address non-negligible differences in sound performance in cases where COP tests are carried out under conditions that differ from those used for the granting of the type approval. The proposal introduces conditions, procedures, and corrections to be applied to L<sub>urban</sub> to account for the difference in test conditions.
GRB-69-15 | UN R51: Measurement uncertainties of sound emission measurements according to UN Regulation No. 51-03
GRB-69-26 | Reversing alarms: ISO 16254 Measurement Variation – Field Experience
5. UN Regulation No. 92 (Replacement exhaust silencing systems for motorcycles)

14. GRB noted that the proposals for the 02 series of amendments, which had been adopted by GRB at the previous session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/66, para. 10) were submitted to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their March 2019 sessions.

6. UN Regulation No. 138 (Quiet road transport vehicles)

15. The expert from OICA presented a revised proposal with the aim to clarify the scope and some provisions of UN Regulation No. 138 (GRB-69-06). GRB adopted the proposal, as laid down in Annex II and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2019 sessions as a draft Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 138.

GRB-69-06 | UN R138: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to:<ol class="alpha"><li>add a footnote to the scope to exempt electrified vehicles where the internal combustion engine (ICE) operates under the test conditions</li><li>clarify the intention of paragraph 6.2.:<ul><li>that AVAS may be operational outside the specified speed ranges (e.g., in the USA where the speed range extends to 30 km/h),</li><li>align maximum sound with UN R51.03 ASEP, and</li><li>explicitly specify that the AVAS may function even when the ICE is running</li></ul><li>clarify under paragraph 6.2.6. that a manufacturer may install an attenuation to enable the system to operate at different sound levels</li><li>split and clarify indoor and outdoor testing specifications under Annex 3 paragraph 2.2. to account for different needs such as a weather station</li><li>amend the flowcharts in the Annex 3 Appendix to better reflect the regulation text.</li></ol>
7. Tyres
7. (a) UN Regulation No. 30 (Tyres for passenger cars and their trailers)

16. The experts from ETRTO proposed to clarify and improve the text of UN Regulation No. 30 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/5 and GRB-69-11-Rev.1). GRB adopted the proposal, as amended by Annex III of the session report, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2019 sessions as a draft Supplement 21 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 30. GRB also requested the secretariat, in cooperation with ETRTO, to use this opportunity to consolidate the text of the UN Regulation.

GRB-69-11/Rev.1 | UN R30: Supporting material for document GRB/2019/5 Highlighting of the changes in the proposal to ensure that that P-type tyres can be distinguished from non-P-type tyres to support understanding of the proposal.
GRB/2019/5 | UN R30: Proposal for amendments Proposal to ensure that that P-type tyres can be distinguished from non-P-type tyres.

17. GRB resumed consideration of the ETRTO proposals for amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 30 and 64 which introduce provisions on extended mobility tyres (EMT) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2018/6, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2018/7 and GRB-68-14). In reply to the questions raised at the previous session, the expert of ETRTO presented GRB-69-12. GRB adopted the proposals and requested the secretariat to submit them to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2019 sessions as a draft Supplement 21 to the 02 series of amendments UN Regulation No. 30 and a draft Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 64.

GRB-68-14 | ETRTO proposals for amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 30 and 64 on Extended Mobility Tyres
GRB-69-12 | UN R30 and R64: EMT-ETRTO answer to Contracting Party question from GRB 68th session ETRTO response to UK question on the availability of extended mobility tyres (EMT) on the market.
GRVA/2018/6 | UN R30: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to introduce a definition for "Extended Mobility Tyre" based on a new "minimum requirement" performance test procedure with the relevant pictogram to be used to properly distinguish such tyres. <span style="color:orange">This document will be handled by GRB during its 68th session and is referenced under GRVA due to the "conversion" of GRRF.</span>
GRVA/2018/7 | UN R64: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to amend UN R64 in line with the introduction of the "extended mobility tyre" into UN R30 (see document GRVA/2018/6). <span style="color:orange">This document will be handled by GRB during its 68th session and is referenced under GRVA due to the "conversion" of GRRF.</span>
7. (b) UN Regulation No. 75 (Tyres for motorcycles/mopeds)

18. The expert of France proposed to clarify the identification, marking and test provisions applicable to tyres designed for speeds above 240 km/h (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/7 and GRB-69-24-Rev.1). GRB adopted the proposal, as amended by Annex IV to the session report, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2019 sessions as a draft Supplement 18 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 75.

GRB-69-24/Rev.1 | UN R75: Proposal for amendment to GRB/2019/7 Editorial amendments to proposed transitional provisions
GRB/2019/7 | UN R75: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to clarify the identification, marking and test provisions applicable to tyres designed for speeds above 240 km/h.
7. (c) UN Regulation No. 117 (Tyre rolling resistance, rolling noise and wet grip)

19. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced a proposal that aligns the approval numbers and markings of UN Regulation No. 117 with the provisions of Schedule 4 of the revised 1958 Agreement (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/4). GRB adopted the proposal and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2019 sessions as a draft Supplement 10 to the 02 series of amendments UN Regulation No. 117.

GRB/2019/4 | UN R117: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align the provisions of UN R117 regarding approval numbers and markings with the provisions of Schedule 4 to the revised 1958 Agreement.

20. GRB recalled that the former Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) decided to keep on its agenda ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/43 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2017/7 with agreed editorial corrections to UN Regulation No. 117, awaiting more substantial amendment proposals before submission to WP.29. GRB agreed that these editorial corrections should be submitted to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2019 sessions in one package with the amendment proposals as referred to in para. 19 above.

GRRF/2016/42 | Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 117 Proposal to correct the text where the word "tyres" was inadvertently omitted from Paragraph 2.1.
GRRF/2017/7 | Proposal for Corrigendum to Regulation No. 117 Proposal to correct a type in Annex 7- Appendix 2, Part 2, Paragraph 5 where the snow group index should read "1.00", not "100" as appeared erroneously in the adopted text.

21. The expert of France proposed a wet adhesion requirement for C1 tyres in a worn state (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/6 and GRB-69-08). The proposal received comments from ETRTO (GRB-69-10). GRB also noted a recent study on used tyres (GRB-69-09). GRB was of the view that this topic should be pursued in the framework of a new IWG and adopted its Terms of Reference (GRB-69-23), as reproduced in Annex V to the session report. Various experts expressed their willingness to contribute to the activities of the newly established IWG. The experts from France and the European Commission volunteered to act as Chair and Co-Chair, respectively, while ETRTO agreed to provide secretariat support.

GRB-69-08 | UN R117: Amendment proposal to introduce of worn tyre provisions
GRB-69-09 | 2017 Ernst & Young study on used tyres "Planned obsolescence is not inevitable: Environmental and social impacts related to the general removal of tires at 3 mm tread depth across the European Union" Document provided by the GRB secretariat in relation to France presentation on worn-tyre provisions under UN R117.
GRB-69-10 | UN R117: Comments on the proposal for worn-tyre provisions (GRB/2019/6)
GRB-69-23 | UN R117: Draft terms of reference for an informal working group on wet grip performance of tyres in worn state
GRB/2019/6 | UN R117: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to introduce provisions for "worn tyre" thresholds and test procedures.

22. On behalf of the group of interested experts on snow tyre provisions, the expert from Germany reported on the group’s progress (GRB-69-19) and mentioned that they would submit an official document for consideration at the next session of GRB.

GRB-69-19 | Status report on snow tyre provisions

23. The expert from ETRTO recalled their proposal for draft amendments tabled at the previous session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2018/5 and GRB-68-12) and requested GRB to postpone the discussion to the next session.

GRB-68-12 | UN R117: Comments on the Supplement proposal GRVA/2018/5
GRVA/2018/5 | UN R117: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to update certain Standard Reference Test Tyre (SRTT) denominations, to remove the distinction between the two Class C3 tyres, to clarify the text and remove the reference to tyres "not marked with speed symbol". <span style="color:orange">This document will be handled by GRB during its 68th session and is referenced under GRVA due to the "conversion" of GRRF.</span>

24. GRB took note of a proposal submitted by the expert from the Netherlands which introduces two extra stages 3 and 4 with limits for the rolling sound emission, wet grip performance and rolling resistance coefficient (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/3). The Chair was of the view that, given the ongoing discussion on the issue within the European Union, it would be premature to modify the noise limits at this moment and proposed to revert to this document at a later stage.

GRB/2019/3 | UN R117: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to introduce two extra stages with limits (stage 3 and stage 4) for the rolling sound emission, wet grip performance and rolling resistance coefficient. (Stage 2 for wet grip performance is omitted intentionally in this proposal.)
7. (d) Global Technical Regulation No. 16 (Tyres)

25. GRB received a status report from IWG on Tyre GTR (GRB-69-17) and took note of a list of the proposed draft amendments (GRB-69-21 and GRB-69-22). GRB noted that a formal proposal might be submitted to the next session.

GRB-69-17 | GTR 16: Consolidated statement on technical rationale and justification for Amendments 1 and 2 Draft statement under preparation by the TyreGTR informal group
GRB-69-21 | GTR 16: List of amendments
GRB-69-22 | GTR 16: Proposal for Amendment 1
8. Draft UN Regulation on reversing alarm

26. On behalf of the Task Force on Reverse Warning (TF-RW), the expert from Japan reported on the progress of TF-RW (GRB-69-20). GRB pointed out the need to liaise with the Working Party on General Safety (GRSG) on the issue and was of the view that the TF-RW report should be also be brought to the attention of GRSG. The expert form Switzerland volunteered to act as GRB ambassador to GRSG on this topic.

GRB-69-20 | Status report of the Reversing Warning Task Force (TFRA)
GRB-69-26 | Reversing alarms: ISO 16254 Measurement Variation – Field Experience
9. Exchange of information on national and international requirements on noise levels

27. No information was reported under this agenda item.

10. Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emissions

28. The expert from the Netherlands presented a revised draft Resolution on Road Surface Labelling (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/2) and requested that it should be published as a reference document on the GRB website. GRB was also informed that WP.29, at its November 2018 session, had encouraged GRB to consult the road construction industry, to continue work on the draft Resolution and to report back to WP.29 in due course (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1142, para. 69). The Vice-Chair proposed to solicit views on the document of the national road authorities. To this end, GRB invited all experts to consult their national road administrations and send feedback to the Vice-Chair who volunteered to consolidate the replies and report back to GRB at its next session.

GRB/2019/2 | Revised proposal for a draft Resolution on road surface labelling
11. Proposals for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles

29. No issues were considered under this item.

12. Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval system

30. GRB reviewed a candidate UN Regulation No. 138 (QRTV), which had been proposed to be added in Annex 4 of UN Regulation No. 0 under Phase 2 of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA), and decided to give it priority (i), as explained in WP.29-176-21.

WP.29-176-21 | Candidate items for technical regulations applicable to IWVTA Phase 2 (2018 – 2022)
13. Highlights of the November 2018 session of WP.29

31. The secretariat reported on the highlights of the November 2018 session of WP.29 (GRB-69-07). GRB noted that WP.29 had renamed GRB to GRBP (Groupe Rapporteur Bruit et Pneumatiques). The Chair stressed that GRBP is not a new body and requested the secretariat to ensure the continuity of the GRB documentation and website.

GRB-69-07 | GRB-69: General information and WP.29 highlights
14. Exchange of views on the future work of GRB

32. The Chair reported on the outcome of the informal meeting in Brussels on 31 October 2018 and introduced a revised document on priorities of the future work (GRB-69-03) with topics related to sound emission and tyre requirements. The document covered essentially the limit values for phase 3, ASEP, uncertainties, track alignment and measurement discrepancies, provisions for the so-called three peak mountain snow flake (3PMSF) winter tyres, wet grip test method for C1 tyres, wet grip for worn tyres, etc. The experts from China, Germany, Netherlands, EC, ETRTO and OICA commented on the proposal. The Chair indicated his intention to convene a meeting to develop a roadmap for level 1 priorities, as marked in GRB-69-03.

GRB-69-03 | GRB: Subjects for future consideration Discussion paper regarding future noise and tyre work priorities.

33. The expert of OICA briefed GRB about a forthcoming study with the aim to find out if lowering the rolling sound limits would affect other tyre parameters essential for vehicle safety and CO2 reduction (GRB-69-25-Rev.1). GRB took note of this information and invited OICA to report the outcome of the study at the next session.

GRB-69-25/Rev.1 | Tyre performance study
15. Other business

34. The expert from France proposed an amendment to UN Regulation No. 28 which complemented paragraph 2 “Definition” with an “electronic” operation of the audible warning device (GRB-69-04). GRB invited the expert to submit the proposal as an official document for the next session.

GRB-69-04 | UN R28: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to introduce a definition for "Electronic" to mean a principle of operation by electric or electro-magnetic force with amplifier and speaker or resonator in order to address new technologies enabling a driver-actuated audible signal of the presence of a vehicle in a dangerous traffic situation.

35. GRB considered how to implement new provisions of Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement, such as the “Unique Identifier” (UI), transitional provisions in UN Regulations, approval of innovations, CoP provisions, modified communication form and approval numbers (WP.29-176-19). GRB decided to revert to UI and approval of innovations at the next session. For the CoP provisions, the expert from the Russian Federation referred to Schedule 1 of Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement.

WP.29-176-19 | Report to 176th WP.29 session from the 28th IWVTA Informal Group meeting (Phase 2)
16. Provisional agenda for the seventieth session

36. For its seventieth session, scheduled to be held in Geneva from 11 to 13 September 2019, GRB decided to keep the same structure of the provisional agenda and noted that the deadline for the submission of official documents to the secretariat would be 17 June 2019, twelve weeks prior to the session.