Working Party on General Safety | Session 115 | 9-12 Oct 2018
Agenda Item 5. (a)
UN Global Technical Regulation No. 6 (Safety glazing)

17. GRSG noted the submission by India of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2018/167 requesting the authorization to develop an amendment to UN Global Technical Regulation (UN GTR) No. 6 on safety glazing for consideration by the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3) at its November 2018 session.

18. As a follow-up of WP.29-175-30, the expert from India introduced GRSG-115-38 to align UN GTR No. 6 on the optional use of laminated-glass panes with improved mechanical properties especially those for the front, exterior, forward-facing glazing of the upper deck of a double-deck vehicle. GRSG welcomed the proposal and agreed to resume consideration at its next session in April 2019. The secretariat was requested to circulate GRSG-115-38 with an official symbol.

GRSG-115-35 Panoramic Sunroof Glazing informal group status report (Korea)
GRSG-115-38 GTR 6: Comment on Amendment 2 (India)
GRSG-115-38 GTR 6: Comment on Amendment 2 (India)
WP.29-175-30 GTR 6: Request for authorization to develop an amendment (India)
WP.29/2018/167 GTR 6: Request for authorization to develop an amendment (India)