World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 175 | 18-22 Jun 2018
Agenda Item 18.6.
UN GTR No. 15 (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedures (WLTP) – Phase 2)

145. The representative of the European Union, as technical sponsor, informed AC.3 that the work was progressing according to schedule. Given the limited resources, he reported that the efforts were focusing on two main issues, the fifth amendment to UN GTR No.15 and on the transposition of UN GTR No. 15 into a UN Regulation.

146. The representative of the Netherlands, Chair of GRPE, requested guidance from AC.3 on the development of power system determination for Off-Vehicle Charge Hybrid Electric Vehicle (OVC-HEV) and Non Off-Vehicle Charge Hybrid Electric Vehicle (NOVC-HEV). During its June 2018 session, GRPE expressed the will to modify the existing mandate so that the provisions on system power determination would be included in an annex of UN GTR No. 15. Most contracting parties would prefer to have system power determination as a standalone UN GTR.

147. The representatives of Canada and Sweden confirmed their preference for the standalone UN GTR.

148. The representative of Japan was still considering its position and requested more time to assess the benefits and drawbacks of having system power determination as a standalone UN GTR or as an Annex to UN GTR No. 15.

149. The Secretary of GRPE offered to prepare an informal document on each option that would be presented at the next session of AC.3 in November 2018.

WP.29/2018/72 GTR 15: Technical report on the development of Amendment 4