World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 175 | 18-22 Jun 2018
Agenda Item 17.
Exchange of information on new priorities to be included in the programme of work

129. AC.3 resumed discussion on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2018/34 aimed at providing an overview of the priorities of the Programme of Work (PoW) of the development of UN GTRs or amendments to the existing ones.

130. The representative of Japan explained that in view of the decision taken by WP.29 under agenda item 2.3 (see para. 33 above) document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2018/34 had to be amended. Therefore, he introduced the informal documents WP.29-175-28 and WP.29-175-29, tabled jointly with the representative of the European Union, to provide an update of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2018/34. He added that both documents had incorporated the feedbacks received so far from the contracting parties concerning: (a) the existing working groups (informal document WP.29-175-28) and (b) the new priorities assigned (informal document WP.29-175-29) to the working group dedicated for automated/autonomous connected vehicles (GRVA) and to GRSG.

131. The representative of the United States of America suggested that a precise revision should be undertaken by all contracting parties to identify their priorities and to reflect on any element. The representative of China recalled his comments (informal document WP.29-175-08) to AC.3 on the noted GRVA. The representative of OICA confirmed that, in principle, the informal document WP.29-175-29 met the expectations of his organization, even though due to its late submission there was need for a more in-depth evaluation by his members. However, he recommended that, due to the limited resources available, it was advisable to concentrate efforts on developing a higher level of automation instead of already existing ones (e.g. longitudinal control for the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)).

132. The representative of the United Kingdom, Chair of the former GRRF, suggested that the informal documents WP.29-175-29 and WP.29-175-08 would be among the documents that he intended to send to interested parties prior to the GRVA session in September 2018, to have a thorough discussion on the priorities of this group. He added that the deliberations, on these documents made by his group, would be annexed to the report of GRVA of the September 2018 session or be a stand-alone document for revision to the November session of AC.3. He finally recommended informal documents WP.29-175-29 and WP.29-175-08 to be considered as live documents, as well as the informal document WP.29-175-28 which should be kept as a separate document for the clarity of all interested parties. Finally, AC.3 endorsed the recommendation of the representative of the United Kingdom and requested the secretariat to keep ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2018/34 as a reference, awaiting the deliberations of GRVA and feedbacks from interested parties.

WP.29-175-08 Automated Driving: Proposals for autonomous driving vehicle issue (China)
WP.29-175-28 Draft updated programme of work (PoW) under the 1998 Agreement (EU and Japan)
WP.29-175-29 1998 Agreement: Updated proposal for new priorities (EU and Japan)
WP.29/2018/34 Draft programme of work (PoW) under the 1998 Agreement