Working Party on General Safety | Session 114 | 9-13 Apr 2018

The deadline for the submission of official working documents for this session is 12 January 2018. At this session, GRSG is expected to consider forming a new informal working group to develop fire risk reduction requirements for M2/M3 vehicles.

Agenda Item 11.
Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS)

45. GRSG noted that WP.29/AC.1 had adopted, in November 2017, the new UN Regulation No. 144 on AECS and that the new Regulation was expected to enter into force on 19 July 2018.

46. The expert from OICA introduced GRSG-114-35 to clarify the scope of the Regulation as intended by the IWG on AECS. Thus, he suggested adding subparagraphs (f) and (g) to paragraph 1.2. to align the scope of the Regulation with the provisions of UN Regulations Nos. 94 (Frontal impact) and 95 (Side impact). He added that this clarification was necessary for vehicles within the scope of these UN Regulations on passive safety, but which were not equipped with airbags. GRSG noted study reservations and comments that the current scope was already drafted in that sense. Finally, the expert from OICA volunteered to submit, in due time, a revised proposal for consideration at the next GRSG session, taking into account the comments and the discussions at the IWG meetings.

47. The expert from IRU gave a presentation (GRSG-114-34) on the possible development of the new UN Regulation No. 144. He suggested extending the scope of the Regulation to heavy goods vehicles, buses and coaches. He added that further documentation, such as information on cargo or on the number of passengers, could be circulated, in case of an accident, to the emergency services and could in this respect ease the operator’s decision on dispatching emergency actions. GRSG welcomed the presentation and noted a number of reservations from a lack of information on implementation benefits. The expert from the Russian Federation informed GRSG that the requirements on emergency call equipment for heavy goods vehicles, buses and coaches were already covered by the Customs Union regulations. The expert from Finland reminded GRSG about the evaluation report on “eCall systems” under the European Union Regulation No. 2015/758, that was expected to be published by the European Commission on 31 March 2021 at the latest.

48. GRSG agreed that it was premature to resume work on further development of UN Regulation No. 144 before its entry into force and in the absence of concrete proposals. GRSG agreed to resume consideration on this subject at its forthcoming session.

GRSG-114-34 eCall for heavy goods vehicles (IRU)
GRSG-114-35 UN R144: Proposal for amendments (OICA)