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eCall for heavy goods vehicles
Document GRSG-114-34
11 April 2018
Submitted by IRU
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
11. Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS)

47. The expert from IRU gave a presentation (GRSG-114-34) on the possible development of the new UN Regulation No. 144. He suggested extending the scope of the Regulation to heavy goods vehicles, buses and coaches. He added that further documentation, such as information on cargo or on the number of passengers, could be circulated, in case of an accident, to the emergency services and could in this respect ease the operator’s decision on dispatching emergency actions. GRSG welcomed the presentation and noted a number of reservations from a lack of information on implementation benefits. The expert from the Russian Federation informed GRSG that the requirements on emergency call equipment for heavy goods vehicles, buses and coaches were already covered by the Customs Union regulations. The expert from Finland reminded GRSG about the evaluation report on “eCall systems” under the European Union Regulation No. 2015/758, that was expected to be published by the European Commission on 31 March 2021 at the latest.

Relates to UN R144 |