IWVTA Subgroup on Regulation 0 | Session 19 | 3 Mar 2016
Agenda Item 5.
Review the updated text of UN Regulation No. 0 draft
SGR0-19-03 Working draft of UN R0 pursuant to the 18th IWVTA SGR0 informal group session
SGR0-19-03/Rev.1 Working draft revision of UN Regulation No. 0 (IWVTA) (OICA)
SGR0-19-05 Transposition of IWVTA into national/regional whole vehicle type approval systems (Japan and OICA)
SGR0-19-07 IWVTA regulation: Draft update for versions of UN Regulations in Annex 4, Section I
SGR0-19-07/Rev.1 IWVTA regulation: Revised draft update for versions of UN Regulations in Annex 4, Section I
SGR0-19-07/Rev.4 IWVTA regulation: Draft update for versions of UN Regulations in Annex 4, Section I