Automatically Commanded Steering Functions | Session 5 | 20-22 Jan 2016
Agenda Item 5.3.3.

(OICA): do we need a double lane change test?
(UK): is the purpose of the test, that a vehicle goes back to the original lane after passing the vehicle?
(C-D): at least in Germany a vehicle must always use the right lane – if possible.
(D): from the test point of view, it should be easy to perform the test
(NL): confirmed D position
(OICA): if the vehicle should go back to the original lane, it should be included in the requirements
(C-D): then we would have to cover all behaviour laws within the regulation – this makes no sense
Summary: The contracting parties insist on the FU3-Test

Homework: OICA – Rewording, considering the recommended safety distance